7 Essential Items to Pack for the First Day of school

first day of school


As your preschooler prepares for their first day of school, ensuring they have the right essentials packed in their bag is crucial for a smooth transition and a successful start. From clothes to snacks, here are seven essential items to include in your child’s school bag to ensure they are prepared and comfortable throughout the day.

1. Backpack:

Choose a durable and appropriately sized backpack for your preschooler to carry their belongings to and from school. Look for features such as padded straps and multiple compartments for organization. Encourage your child to select a design they love, whether it’s adorned with their favorite cartoon character or vibrant colors that reflect their personality. A comfortable backpack will ensure your child can carry their essentials with ease.

2. Spare Clothes:

Accidents and spills are a common occurrence among preschoolers, making a change of clothes a must-have item in their backpack. Pack a spare outfit, including underwear and socks, in a labeled zip-lock bag or waterproof pouch. Choose comfortable and easy-to-change clothing that your child can manage independently. Having a spare set of clothes on hand will ensure your child remains comfortable and dry throughout the day.

3. Water Bottle:

Staying hydrated is essential for your preschooler’s health and well-being, especially during busy school days. Pack a reusable water bottle in your child’s backpack and encourage them to drink water regularly throughout the day. Choose a spill-proof bottle with a secure lid to prevent leaks and spills in their backpack. Remind your child to refill their water bottle whenever it’s empty to stay hydrated and focused.

4. Healthy Snacks:

Fuel your preschooler’s body and brain with nutritious snacks to keep them energized and satisfied throughout the school day. Pack a variety of healthy options such as fresh fruits, cut-up vegetables, whole-grain crackers, cheese sticks, or yogurt. Avoid sugary snacks and opt for nutrient-rich choices that provide sustained energy and support concentration. Pack snacks in reusable containers or snack bags to minimize waste and promote eco-friendly habits.

5. Lunch Box or Tiffin:

Provide your child with a lunch box or tiffin to carry their midday meal to school. Choose a durable and insulated container that will keep food fresh and at a safe temperature until lunchtime. Pack a balanced meal that includes a variety of food groups, such as a sandwich or wrap, fresh fruits and vegetables, a source of protein, and a healthy snack. Involve your child in meal planning and preparation to ensure they enjoy their lunch and develop healthy eating habits.

6. Comfort Object:

For many preschoolers, a comfort object provides reassurance and familiarity during times of stress or uncertainty. Whether it’s a favorite stuffed animal, small blanket, or photo of the family, pack a comforting item in your child’s backpack to provide emotional support throughout the day. Encourage your child to keep their comfort object in their backpack or cubby, allowing them to seek comfort whenever they feel overwhelmed or homesick.

7. Personalized Name Tag:

To prevent mix-ups and ensure your child’s belongings are easily identifiable, consider adding a personalized name tag to their backpack and other items. Write your child’s name clearly on a durable tag or label and attach it securely to their backpack, lunch box, water bottle, and spare clothes bag. A name tag will help teachers and school staff recognize your child’s belongings and ensure they return home safely at the end of the day.


By packing these seven essential items in your preschooler’s school bag, you can ensure they are prepared and comfortable for their first day of school. From spare clothes and healthy snacks to a personalized name tag and comfort object, these items will help your child feel confident and supported as they embark on this exciting new journey. Encourage your child to take ownership of their belongings and foster independence by practicing organization and responsibility. With the right essentials packed in their backpack, your preschooler will be ready to learn, explore, and make memories at school.

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