Sleepy Time: How Much Sleep Kids Need (Ages 0-5)

How Much Sleep Kids Need


Being a parent is learning lots of things, and one important thing is knowing how much your little ones should sleep. In this blog, we’re going to talk about sleep for kids aged 0 to 5. We’ll help you understand how much sleep they need, how to make bedtime routines, and how to make a cozy sleep space for your precious kiddos.

1. Newborn / Infants (0-3 months):

-Babies need a lot of sleep, usually around 14 to 17 hours every day.

– Pay attention to when they show they’re tired, and make a nice routine to help them get ready for bed.

-It’s good to let them take short naps during the day and make their sleeping area peaceful.

2. Growing Babies (4-11 months):

-As babies grow, they need a bit less sleep, about 12-15 hours each day.

-Try to make a regular bedtime routine and make sure their sleeping place is comfy.

-Help them learn to soothe themselves and look for signs that show they’re ready to sleep.

3. Little Toddlers (1-2 years):

-Toddlers usually do well with 11-14 hours of sleep daily, including one or two naps.

-Make a routine for bedtime that happens the same way every night and make their sleep area cozy.

-Give them a special toy or blanket to help them feel safe and happy during the night.

4. Preschooler (3-5 years):

-Preschoolers generally need 10-13 hours of sleep each night.

-They might still take a nap during the day, which is okay.

-Let them choose a bedtime story or their pajamas to make bedtime a fun and positive time.


Helping kids aged 0 to 5 get the right amount of sleep means having good routines, making a comfortable sleep spot, and paying attention to what they need. By noticing when they’re tired, doing the same things at bedtime, and making a cozy place for them to sleep, you’re helping them grow up healthy and happy. Nighty night to your little ones as they get ready for sweet dreams and a good night’s sleep!

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