What is tummy time, and why is it important?

tummy time


Hello parents and caregivers! If you’ve heard about “tummy time” and are wondering what all the fuss is about, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore what tummy time is and why it’s super important for your little one in simple terms.

What is Tummy Time?

Tummy time is when you put your baby on their belly while they’re awake and you’re keeping an eye on them. It’s like a mini workout, but for babies! You can start doing tummy time when your baby is just a few days old, and it’s something you’ll want to do every day.

Why is Tummy Time Important?

1. Makes Muscles Strong:

When your baby does tummy time, they use their neck, shoulders, and upper body muscles. It’s like a superhero training ground for little muscles! This helps them get stronger, and strong muscles are important for learning to crawl, sit, and stand later on.

2. Prepares for Big Adventures:Tummy time helps your baby practice lifting their head and pushing up on their arms. These skills are like warm-up exercises for big adventures like crawling and exploring the world around them. Tummy time is like the first step towards becoming a little explorer!

3. Prevents Flat Spots:

Spending time on the tummy also helps prevent flat spots on the back of your baby’s head. This is because they get to change positions and avoid always lying on their back. It’s like giving their head a chance to be a little acrobat!


So, there you have it – tummy time is a fantastic way to help your baby grow strong and get ready for exciting adventures. It’s a simple and fun activity that you can do every day, and it’s a special time for you and your little one to bond. Get ready to cheer on your baby’s mini milestones as they conquer tummy time!

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